Look What's Next Door: A Carbon Neutral House

This house only comes in green.

The first newly constructed, carbon neutral house on the East Coast is opening its doors to the public in October. The Green House, as it’s been named, uses approximately 70 to 80 percent less energy per square foot than a comparable new house.

The house, located in McLean, Va., was built to show how far green technology has come. A few of the elements that help make the 4,000 square-foot structure carbon neutral include a geothermal system for heating and cooling, a solar hot- water system, solar panels and wind turbines to generate on-site electricity, LED lighting, low-flow water fixtures as well as a rain-water capture system, structural insulated panel construction and a green roof system.
Look at the photos of the house here, read the complete article and watch a video at the original posting site http://www.cnbc.com/id/33003810/


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